Vendor Overview and Outlook: AMD in HPC



This Intersect360 Research report presents an overview and outlook for Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) in the worldwide High Performance Computing (HPC)
market, as of 2019.

AMD is a major vendor of processors and related software for the worldwide HPC market and is under contract to be a key part of some of the first Exascale
supercomputers in the U.S. Drawing on market tracking and surveys from the Intersect360 Research HPC advisory service, this report includes:

  • Latest survey share data for AMD in HPC servers
  • SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  • Recommendations to AMD

Vendor Overview and Outlookreports from Intersect360 Research are not sponsored content. Intersect360 Research chooses vendors to cover in
such reports based on their position in the marketplace, and the choice to publish this report does not imply the existence—or lack thereof—of
a client relationship with the company profiled. The full Intersect360 Research neutrality statement is available on the web at