Vendor Overview and Outlook: Lenovo in HPC



This Intersect360 Research report presents an overview and outlook for Lenovo in the worldwide high performance computing (HPC) market, as of 2019.

Lenovo is a major vendor of servers, storage, and solutions for the worldwide HPC market, bolstered by strong business in hyperscale, client, and consumer
markets. Drawing on market tracking and surveys from the Intersect360 Research HPC advisory service, this report includes:

  • Market share data for Lenovo in HPC servers for 2018, with change from 2017
  • Relevant supporting data from Intersect360 Research end-user surveys
  • SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  • Recommendations to Lenovo

“Vendor Overview and Outlook” reports from Intersect360 Research are not sponsored content. Intersect360 Research chooses vendors to cover in such reports
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